A Man Without his Chatbox

New Horizons

Collective human wisdom and knowledge are at our fingertips. One need not swallow their pride and ask to be explained a complex concept as if taught to a toddler. The term ELI5 is seldom publicly used, yet it continues to dominate the chart for the most used keywords behind closed LLM chat windows. 

The Rise of Varun

Varun, a colleague who struggled to form a coherent sentence inside and outside his domain, is a changed man that only a few still recognize. He is knowledgeable, witty, eloquent, and sharp in typed communication.

It has been months since, and the Varun that made zero sense no matter the topic has been cited (by multiple appalled accounts) tirelessly dispersing knowledge online. He dissects a formidable array of topics, ranging from quantum mechanics and theoretical physics to molecular biology and neuroscience—all exclusively available on his Medium profile for the low price of $2.34 a month.

"I've never heard anything like it; it is a truly gobsmacking zero-to-hero transformation…" said no one ever, except the dwindling number of people oblivious to Gen AI's technological leaps or the Seven Sleepers after seeing to their more pressing questions.

The Fall of Varun

It was lunch time at workplace when one of Varun's colleagues, Samantha, began poking holes in his online scientist personality that miraculously materilised overnight. 

Have you heard of synthol injections, Varun? Samantha asked while on the continuum of toying with her prey. Had the question not gone over his head, Varun would have realized that she drew more blood than she did parallels between the cosmetic appearance of muscles and passing GPT knowledge as his own. 

Communication was (and still is) not his forte, and so Sam fired a ballistic question that, unlike the one that preceded it, left no room for shelter: How are gene expression patterns regulated differently across individual cells in complex tissues?

He’d written multiple columns about it, so why not explain it like she was five? Varun trembled, and it was then that I saw the sad sight of a bare and vulnerable man… a man without his chatbox. 

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