Force Majeure
Preparedly Unready
Sometimes, it hardly matters how prepared one is. You could pull a weekly streak of all-nighters before an academic submission, think through every imaginable aspect of an overseas trip, or plan the perfect wedding, only for it all, through no fault of your own, to be a tragedy for the ages.
You Plan, and so Does the Universe
You may be hard at work, but when it comes to dishing out punishment — just or otherwise — we often forget that the universe works harder than immigrants; it is here to supply with no end in sight: who wants what, when, and where?
Come and take it, mortal fry, or don't; the universe always delivers.
Grazed Honey or Honey Glazed?
Have you ever heard of honeypot ants? If not, you may be in luck, for chances are their story is grimmer than yours. Honeypot ants have a specialized worker ant named Plerergates. This Nobel colony member stores large amounts of nutritious liquid in their abdomens to feed the colony during food scarcity.
As if serving as live storage units isn't dismal enough, Plerergates were an occasional part of some Indigenous groups' diet. Imagine sacrificing your body for the colony's survival and Her Majesty Queen Ant's recognition, only for some tribesmen to munch on your kind while tripping balls on hallucinogens by the bonfire.
It has got to be one of the worst ways to go: the food reserve is stolen, the colony is set to face imminent famine, and honey Ps are about to be made a quick snack that its digger thinks tastes much better under the influence.