The LinkedIn Brain Worm

LinkedIn has got to have the highest concentration of self-flattery, narcissism, virtue signaling, and the lengthiest array of undiagnosed mental conditions that materialize in the form of vomit-inducing posts. 

Everyone on LinkedIn has burning takeaways that must be shared with the rest of humanity at any cost. The problem is, however, that there are only so many seminars, certifications, or job changes that one can rack up in a week, and that is when the average person on LinkedIn resorts to tapping into their imagination for more; nothing beats an emoji-prefixed takeaway bullet point about a made-up story.

I'm starting to think the LinkedIn user base is slowly mutating into a brain-dead trash-churning machine. Nah, I'm kidding, John McDoodle. Hit me. What is the takeaway from your conversation with your son after his ankle injury? And I haven't forgotten about you, Ashmita. Yes, please enlighten us with what ChatGPT thinks of you as a person based on your previous interactions–we are out here dying to know what your "strengths" are.

I'm losing my marbles over the sheer befuddlement of seeing content whose authors are obvious candidates for the loony bin being celebrated instead.

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