Tostadas For Lunch

I work with a company that graciously pays for all employee lunches. The company contracts a vendor — who would want to deal with such a logistical nightmare, right? — that collects meals selected by its ungrateful workforce from a range of restaurants on rotation. 

While having lunch today, I overheard a seemingly Indian coworker complain to a fellow countrywoman about how the weekly rotation should include at least two Indian restaurants—what a brilliant idea there, Kumar! 

While our homesick colleague, Gonzales, does not mind having Chicken Biryani twice a week, he now demands that the company make Taco Tuesday and —wait for it— Tostada Thursday a thing. Oh, and the Arabs… never mind, they only work on Sundays. 

The point is, if the company caters to the food nostalgia of every ethnic group, then the regular selection is pretty much back on the menu. So, please, Kumie, either satisfy your cravings out of pocket or quit bitching about a perk we are about to lose to employee satisfaction surveys.

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